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Sermons & Spirit Communications

On occasion I am invited to conduct the service as a guest minister at Albertson Memorial Church of Spiritualism, in Greenwich, CT. As an ordained minister and a medium, my job on these Sundays at Albertson is two-fold: give a brief talk, or sermon, for the congregation's consideration, and bring in messages from loved ones who have passed away.

If you have never been to a Spiritualist service, it is definitely worth your time. The service is structured around music, affirmations, healing, spirit communication or mediumship, and the word of God. Everyone is welcome to participate to whatever degree they feel most comfortable, including coming forward during the "healing chairs" to receive hands-on healing, receiving messages from a spirit person, reciting affirmations, singing hymns, or just sitting quietly.

The National Spiritualist Association of Churches defines Spiritualism as: The science, philosophy and religion of continuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of mediumship, with those who live in the Spirit World.

Thus, Spiritualism focuses upon three major concepts:

  1. There is personal and conscious survival of bodily death.
  2. Death, itself, is the transition from one realm of life to another.
  3. Communication, of some form, between this world and the world of Spirit is possible, provided certain conditions prevail.

Listed below are a few of the sermons and spirit communications that I have had the privilege to facilitate at Albertson Church



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[Psychic readings are for entertainment only. All psychic readings are intended to offer insight into a person’s personal life and do not in any way constitute legal, financial, medical or professional advice.
By engaging in a reading with any psychic, you understand that psychic experts do not diagnose illnesses, including questions pertaining to death.]